Uneasy Money P. G. Wodehouse

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P. G. Wodehouse - Uneasy Money краткое содержание

P. G. Wodehouse (1881-1975) was a beloved British humorist whose writing career spanned nearly every literary mode. His discerning wit and effortless prose gained him international praise. In «Uneasy Money» (1916) we encounter Lord Dawlish, a lover of golf who is unexpectedly given one million pounds by a gentleman he had assisted on the links. Upon discovering that his niece and nephew have received money too, twenty pounds, he sets out to balance the financial scales. This ethical decision creates some discord in Lord Dawlish as he finds out how difficult it is to part with his fortune, even when dealing with his family. His inheritance brings an array of other problems as well, leading him into various adventures and misadventures in love. In this novel we see all of Wodehouse's comic genius and mastery of farce. Wodehouse is no moralist, zealot, or philosopher—he is a humorist, and a brilliant one at that, who bring levity to a heavy world.

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