Sweet Bea Sarah Hegger

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Серия: Sir Arthur’s Legacy
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Sarah Hegger - Sweet Bea краткое содержание

“Sarah Hegger has a gift for storytelling that is not to be missed. She's a personal favorite of mine.”—Kathryn Le Veque, USA Today bestselling authorIs anything sweeter than revenge? In a family of remarkable people, ordinary Beatrice strives to prove herself worthy. When her family is threatened with losing everything, she rushes to London to save them. Unfortunately, she chooses as her savior the very man who will see her family brought low. Garrett has sworn vengeance on Sir Arthur of Anglesea for destroying his life when he was a boy and forcing his mother into prostitution for them to survive. He has chosen as his instrument Sir Arthur's youngest daughter, Beatrice. Can Beatrice's goodness teach Garrett that love, not vengeance, is the greatest reward of all?81,144 Words

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