One Night With The Valkyrie Jane Godman

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Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne
Фрагмент книги
Возрастные ограничения - 18+
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Jane Godman - One Night With The Valkyrie краткое содержание

Falling for the immortal warrior princess… While tracking down his brother, billionaire Adam Lyon is struck dumb by a vision of a beautiful woman in armour. But when this vision comes to life, she turns his entire world upside down. Adam soon discovers that valiant Valkyrie Maja is indeed a dream come true, but their passion violates the laws of the gods.Maja brings heroic souls to Valhalla, so why did she spare one mortal man's life? Not only does that violate Odin's orders, but she soon finds herself swept up in an illicit desire for sexy Adam. Battling to save their very lives, the CEO and the shield maiden’s forbidden love hangs in the balance – as does the fate of the world…

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