Mushroom Collecting for Beginners Anon

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Anon - Mushroom Collecting for Beginners краткое содержание

This rare antiquarian text constitutes the perfect handbook for those interested in mushroom-hunting. Complete with a variety of detailed diagrams and a wealth of comprehensive information on the most common mushrooms, this fascinating book is a must-have for beginners looking to start a hobby in the exciting world of mycology. As well as detailing the myriad edible and useful mushrooms commonly found in the wild, this book provides all the information one might need to know about poisonous and even deadly fungi of the fields and woods – making it a must-read for those intent on safely collecting wild mushrooms. Mushroom Collecting For Beginners has been elected for modern republication due to its immense educational value, and is proudly republished here with a prefatory introduction to the topic.

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