Backwoods Jill Sorenson

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Jill Sorenson - Backwoods краткое содержание

The more you trust, the more you risk…When plans for a wilderness retreat with her teenage daughter Brooke go awry, Abby Hammond reluctantly pairs up with Brooke's stepbrother and his dad, Nathan Strom, for the weeklong trek. The only thing Abby has in common with the bad-boy former pro athlete is that their exes cheated with each other. That…and a visceral attraction that's growing more complicated with every step through the picturesque woods.Nathan's wild-card reputation lost him his career and his family. After years of regret, he's ready to fight for what truly matters–and that includes Abby's hard-won trust. When Brooke goes missing, Nathan knows he's her best and only hope of rescue. But the deeper into the rugged mountains they go, the more dangerous the territory will prove–for their safety and for their hearts.

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