Father Of The Brat Elizabeth Bevarly

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Elizabeth Bevarly - Father Of The Brat краткое содержание

CELEBRATION 1000 FROM HERE TO PATERNITY SURPRISE PACKAGE… Carver Venner got a double shock when he opened his door that morning: a twelve-year-old kid that he never knew he had – clutching the hand of the sexiest woman he had ever seen. And though Carver would have loved to concentrate on social worker Maddy Garrett, there was another problem at hand. Like what to do about his daughter… .Raising Rachel, with her dubious ideas about everything from nutrition to education and her… colorful vocabulary, was bound to be a challenge. And Carver could use all the help he could get. But he soon realized that what he required from Maddy was more than just professional assistance… .CELEBRATION 1000: Come celebrate the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire, with scintillating love stories by some of your favorite writers!

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