Beauty And The Brain Elizabeth Bevarly

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Elizabeth Bevarly - Beauty And The Brain краткое содержание

BLAME IT ON BOB BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR…Too bad sexy Rosemary March didn't heed this advice – because as an adolescent, she'd harbored a secret wish to get even with nerdy, brainy Willis Random. She'd also has other secret wishes involving him – ones she hoped to realize if she ever got the chance.And suddenly, thirteen years later, there was a chance – all six feet two inches of him – knocking at her door. And as Rosemary stared at the magnificent speciment that Willis had turned into, she swore she was going to have one more crack at him.Prove to the science whiz that hers was a body as worthy of study as any comet's. If it was the last thing she did…BLAME IT ON BOB:The comet passes through only once every fifteen years… but it leaves behind a lifetime of love!

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