Stryker's Wife Dixie Browning

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Dixie Browning - Stryker's Wife краткое содержание

MAN OF THE MONTH TALL, DARK AND HANDSOMEMR. NOVEMBERReluctant Bachelor: Kurt Stryker didn't want to marry, but he sure needed a wife! Unsuspecting Bride: Sweet, sexy Debranne Kiley. The proposal: Gulp! Rugged Kurt Stryker wasn't a man of many words, but he did have one heck of a hot desire for Debranne Kiley. So when he needed a wife to keep custody of the boy in his care, he started practicing his «I do.»Problem was, whenever he had Debranne in his arms, he couldn't get the proposal past his lips! Now this sweet, loving woman had him longing to say three little words he'd never planned on uttering again… .MAN OF THE MONTH: He has to pop the question – one of these days…

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