No Need For Love Sandra Marton

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Sandra Marton - No Need For Love краткое содержание

She wants a baby. He wants an heir. But what about love?Hannah has been married once before, but now she is perfectly happy on her own. Well… maybe not perfectly happy… . She has always wanted children. So when her boss, Grant MacLean, suggests that they marry in order to have a child, Hannah is tempted.Secretly she finds Grant incredibly attractive and she can have it all: a home and security, and a baby to love. This time, there will be no man owning her heart who can break it – or will there? Can Hannah really go through a wedding and a pregnancy with Grant, and then not care if he acts on his plan to divorce her?By the author of the acclaimed series, LANDON'S LEGACY: «An outstanding reading experience.» – Romantic Times

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