The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living Lindsay S. Nixon

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Lindsay S. Nixon - The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living краткое содержание

Every day, Lindsay S. Nixon, author of the popular Happy Herbivore blog and cookbook series, is sent dozens of questions from readers about living a plant-based life: What do you do in social situations outside of the home? At restaurants? Potlucks? Weddings? What about traveling and vacation? How do you deal with negativity and naysayers? How do you talk to your family and friends about this way of life?Nixon has put together a practical guide to address questions like these and to help with the many other challenges that come with a plant-based or vegan diet. Whether you’re already living the Happy Herbivore lifestyle or simply thinking of switching to a plant-based way of life, The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living is for you.

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