Skeleton Crew Cameron Haley

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Cameron Haley - Skeleton Crew краткое содержание

Some people fear snakes.Me? Let it be known that Domino Riley hates zombies.Bodies are hitting the pavement in L.A. like they always do, but this time they’re getting right back up, death be damned. My mobbed-up outfit of magicians may be the strongest in the city, but even they aren’t immune to the living dead.And I’ve yet to develop a resistance to Adan Rashan.If I don’t team up with the boss’s son, we’ll be more than at each other’s throats over control of the outfit. We’ll be craving hearts and brains as well.Because as long as this nasty spirit from the Between is stopping souls from finding peace, I’m facing the biggest supernatural crisis to ever hit the City of Angels.Zombies, it’s time you feared me.

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