Her Passionate Plan B Dixie Browning

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Dixie Browning - Her Passionate Plan B краткое содержание

Honestly, ladies, I had the perfect plan to catch a good man…until he showed up out of nowhere! With his come-hither, all-male looks, sexy stranger Kell Magee could melt the chrome off a bumper. But marriage material? Men like Kell are good for one thing–wild, scorching sex. No, I'd do much better with someone like our town accountant. Sensible, dull, he wouldn't drive me crazy with desire or have me dreaming of hot kisses all day long. The sooner Kell finds his family roots and leaves town, the better. Because I, Daisy Hunter, can't afford to lose my heart again, even if I've already lost my mind to preposterous fantasies of ditching Plan A for a very passionate Plan B!

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