The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child Jules Bennett

The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child скачать fb2

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Jules Bennett - The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child краткое содержание

The Barrington BrothersWhen Opposites AttractAfter a near-fatal accident, Grant never imagined returning to the equestrian world. Luckily Tessa, star jockey, provides the distraction he needs…and a surprising innocence he can't resist.Single Man Meets Single MumIan’s thunderstruck by his intense attraction to horse trainer and single mum, Cassie. But a woman with a child is off-limits! Yet Ian is aching to break every rule…Carrying the Lost Heir's ChildLily can’t help but find herself drawn into a sizzling affair with stable-hand Nash. But Nash must reveal his true identity. Will the truth cost him the woman and family he craves?

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