A Very Fake Fiancée: The Fiancée Charade / My Fake Fiancée / A Very Exclusive Engagement Nancy Warren

A Very Fake Fiancée: The Fiancée Charade / My Fake Fiancée / A Very Exclusive Engagement скачать fb2

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Nancy Warren - A Very Fake Fiancée: The Fiancée Charade / My Fake Fiancée / A Very Exclusive Engagement краткое содержание

The Fiancée Charade by Fiona BrandGabriel Massena wants Gemma O’Neill, and he’ll use any excuse to get her back. Luckily, he needs a fiancée to control of his family’s business and Gemma fits the part… But while the passion is amazing, once he finds out what she’s kept from him, how long will the honeymoon last?My Fake Fiancée by Nancy WarrenCaterer Chelsea Hammond will live with insurance broker David Wolfe for three months in order for him to clinch a massive promotion and for her to use his kitchen. There will be no kissing, no touching, no sex and no falling in love. Definitely, no falling in love…A Very Exclusive Engagement by Andrea Laurence Media mogul Liam Crowe can’t control the chemistry with spitfire employee Francesca Orr. But now Liam has a new name for her: fiancée, because Francesca is perfect fake fiancée material! But when she goes along with the plan, things get very real very fast…

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