Holy Father. Notre Dame of Paris BURNED. Does it mean that the church or Catholicism is on fire? Eric Barone

Holy Father. Notre Dame of Paris BURNED. Does it mean that the church or Catholicism is on fire? скачать fb2

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Eric Barone - Holy Father. Notre Dame of Paris BURNED. Does it mean that the church or Catholicism is on fire? краткое содержание

Eric Barone, researcher of consciousness, French writer, author of more than 80 books. Admirer of Notre Dame de Paris, a cathedral on which he meditated many times and in front of which he wrote many of his books. Shaken by the fire, he sees it as an essential symbol for Christianity. Eric Barone publishes today this open letter to Pope Francis in which he raises the true problems of Christianity: reincarnation, faith, the power of the mass and prayer, the secrets contained in the Bible, black magic and exorcism, powers of healing. … No subject has been neglected by this serious author. At a time when all authors and journalists were polarized about the burning of a monument, Barone with great respect and as a man of faith, asks the Pope the true question of all Christians: IS THE CHURCH OR CATHOLICISM BURNING?

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