Phillip Goes to Work Eddie Engram

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Eddie Engram - Phillip Goes to Work краткое содержание

Life is a challenge, and the challenge starts with your believing you can accomplish all your goals with a plan that gives you the ability to work at achieving your goals. What do you want to become as an adult in your life? It always starts with a plan, and then you achieve your goals by working to make that plan a reality. Just what do you want to become in your life? Answering this question early in your life allows you to compete in a world filled with hopes and dreams. Everyone has to answer that question, and it helps to do it early because you give yourself more time to plan and prepare for a life filled with questions. I've asked you that question over and over because I want you to understand that life goes by quickly, and those of you that refuse to challenge yourselves early will one day wonder why did I not plan my life better. It's up to you, and it starts by saying I want to become and then work to achieve your goals.

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