AL15 Steve De La Mare

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Steve De La Mare - AL15 краткое содержание

ALI5 the Adventure Begins is an off-world Sci-fi adventure set 250 yrs in the future after colonising the stars from a polluted Earth. The story follows a young independent girl from a moon farming community who, searching for adventure, stows away on a cargo ship bound for a luxurious planet (or so she thinks). The ship instead heads towards a moon that has been designated a no-go zone and ALIS is shipwrecked there. ALI5 discovers the moon is ruled over by a despotic alien queen and meets various characters along the way: some trying to help and some trying to hunt her down. Here she has to survive and try to find her way home. Obstacles include bug-laden beaches, forest fires, gravity defying caves, hunters, dragons, aliens and a wealth of curious animals.

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