Fly Ted Barr

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Ted Barr - Fly краткое содержание

There is a hidden artist within each of us. We all have a natural yearning to express ourselves. As children, this self-expression is a joyful natural process, manifested through drawing and movement without ever thinking about what other people may say. Yet as we grow older we often become more inhibited, frustrated and reserved. The FLY process is one of letting go, relinquishing control and permitting the unplanned and unexpected to take the lead. In this way, we take the first step on the path towards reconnecting to the curious creative child we once were, thus rediscovering our creative inner spirit. FLY stands for Free the Life within You. Developing this concept has turned my life into an inspiring, unexpected colorful journey, depicted in the artwork from the 3 painting series shown in this book. Deep Space – inspired by the Hubble telescope images Human Formation – based on Lennart Nilsson's inner body photography Cycles of Life – influenced by the everlasting journey of the human spirit I am thrilled to share my personal quest with you. Be my guest and FLY with me Have magic in your life Ted Barr

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