Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends Льюис Спенс

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Серия: Egypt
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Льюис Спенс - Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends краткое содержание

A prolific complier of mythology, Lewis Spence would author over thirty books on the legends and folklore of numerous parts of the world. As the title would suggest, in this edition we have a collection of ancient Egyptian myths and legends. Spence examines the history and culture of Egypt with particular attention to its influence on their belief systems. Various Egyptian gods including Osiris, Isis, Anubis, Ra, as well as many others are discussed in length along with the myths associated with them. Popular fables such as «The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor» and the «Story of Two Brothers,» are included in a selection of legends. Lastly the work talks of the practice of magic in ancient Egypt and of foreign and animal gods. This collection of ancient Egyptian myths and legends spans the gamut of such literature and should make for an interesting read for anyone interested in the subject.

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