White Fang - The Original Classic Edition London Jack

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London Jack - White Fang - The Original Classic Edition краткое содержание

This is really good literature on a fascinating time in Western history. <p> This is the story of White Fang – 3/4 wolf and 1/4 dog. It tells of White Fangs parentage, his birth, his early days in the wild, his meeting with men and learning to live with them, of his meeting with white men and learning to live with them. Along the way, he learns some terribly hard lessons, and also learns some great joys as well. <p> Once you sit down and read this book, you will clearly see why it is considered a classic! The story is very well-written, filled with action and adventure, and presents a strangely compelling world – the world of the Arctic Circle at the beginning of the 20th century. Now, this is no happy-happy book written for the more sensitive reader. Indeed, the story is filled with violence and conflict and death, much as the Yukon was back then. <p> You will really find this book to be compelling reading, one that you can not put down. Indeed, one of the most interesting facts is how much this story is the mirror opposite of The Call of the Wild, in which a dog moves from the company of men to living in the wild. Anyway, if you want to read some really good literature on a fascinating time in Western history, then get this book. You wont be disappointed!

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