With Lee in Virginia G. A. Henty

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G. A. Henty - With Lee in Virginia краткое содержание

In this spirited tale of adventure, Vincent Wingfield, who is not yet sixteen, returns home to Virginia after four years of school in England to find conditions in America greatly unsettled. When war breaks out in 1861, Vincent staunchly supports the rights of slaves but joins Lee's cavalry to fight for the Confederacy.Henty's gripping story, written several decades after the war, weaves the spirited teenager's adventures with real-life events, while providing an acute glimpse of the conflict from a Southern perspective.A prolific 19th-century author, G. A. Henty celebrates family, honor, loyalty, bravery, and determination in the face of adversity. Set against the backdrop of an exciting historical era, this story, recently rediscovered by young readers, will excite the imaginations of today's youngsters as much as it thrilled readers when first published.

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