Not This August (Christmas Eve) Cyril M. Kornbluth

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Cyril M. Kornbluth - Not This August (Christmas Eve) краткое содержание

In the near future the United States and Canada get into war with the Soviet Union and Chinese People's Republic. Both sides' atomic weapons are ineffective as surface-to-air missiles shoot down any bombers or guided missiles, so ground forces have done most of the fighting. The Communist nations—whose armies greatly outnumber the North Americans—conquered Western Europe, invaded South America, and are moving toward Texas. The United States eventually fall to the invader, and Billy Justin, commercial artist and Korean War veteran, joins a conspiracy to finish building a satellite that can help Americans win the war. At Washington Justin receives instructions from the nationwide resistance movement for an attack planned for Christmas Eve on Chiunga Center to liberate the satellite. Despite the Soviets' arrest and torture of a local farmer, they are ignorant of what «Christmas Eve», a mild oath they have heard sworn by various citizens, means until the battle begins.

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