Run for the Money Robert Colby

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Robert Colby - Run for the Money краткое содержание

The killers came for his money – of they would have his woman&apos;s life! A Wildside Crime Classic by the author of The Star Trap and The Captain Must Die! <p> "Bob Colby was more than just a &apos;one-hit wonder.&apos; He wrote several other respected novels in the 1950s and &apos;60s, including The Deadly Desire and The Secret of the Second Door (both Gold Medal, 1959) and dozens of short stories for Alfred Hitchcock and Mike Shayne… Do me a favor: hunt down one of his novels and give it a try." – Peter Enfantino <p> "He had a journalist&apos;s eye for his times. This was especially true in the novels he set in Hollywood. [The Captain Must Die] is his masterpiece. You will not be disappointed." – Ed Gorman

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