The Circus Stealers Harry Stephen Keeler

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Harry Stephen Keeler - The Circus Stealers краткое содержание

"My guiltiest pleasure is Harry Stephen Keeler. He may been the greatest bad writer America has ever produced. Or perhaps the worst great writer. I do not know. There are few faults you can accuse him of that he is not guilty of. But I love him." – Neil Gaiman<P> There&apos;s nothing new under the sun in Idiots&apos; Valley, home of Harry Stephen Keeler&apos;s Screwball Circus. Angus MacWhorter&apos;s circus has made it across Old Twistibus – the windingest road in the world – but there&apos;s still an important wagon that Rance Holly has to drive to catch up with the rest of the circus in Foleysburg, or the circus will be lost to rival entrepreneur, Wolf Gladish. There&apos;s no nuttier place in the country than Idiots&apos; Valley, with its pack of illiterate bumpkins, and Harry and Hazel milk it for all it&apos;s worth in this first English-language edition of a Keeler classic!

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