The Eyrbyggja Saga and The Story of the Heath-Slayings Anonymous

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Anonymous - The Eyrbyggja Saga and The Story of the Heath-Slayings краткое содержание

The author of this Icelandic saga is unknown, yet was likely written in the mid-13th century. «Eyrbyggja» begins at the time of Iceland's settlement, but most of the events throughout take place towards the end of the 10th century and early 11th century. The title means the saga of the inhabitants of Eyrr, a farm on Snaefellsnes in Iceland. Throughout the tale, the Ere-Dwellers are confronted by tragedy and death, which result in ghosts, eerie occurrences, and hauntings. The mix of realism with gothic imagination and history dramatizes a 13th century view of the past, from the pagan rebellion of the Viking age, the coming of Christianity, and the beginnings of organized society. The main focus is to trace a few key families as they settled in Iceland, rather than to focus on a single protagonist. «Eyrbyggja» is characterized by a distinct interest in old lore, rituals, pagan practices and superstitions. It is valued for many reasons including a certain historic credibility and folkloric elements. Also included in this edition is «The Story of the Heath-Slayings».

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