The Bachelor Takes a Bride Brenda Harlen

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Серия: Mills & Boon Cherish
Фрагмент книги
Возрастные ограничения - 18+
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Brenda Harlen - The Bachelor Takes a Bride краткое содержание

"You don't know me…but will you marry me?" It strikes him like a lightning bolt when he lays eyes on Jordyn Garrett. Just like his grandma always says, You'll know her when you see her. Now restaurateur Marco Palermo knows he's just met his wife–if only she'll date him!Jordyn's heard every line…and deflected them all. She's walked through heartbreak and come out stronger, albeit lonelier. She'll never love again. But the scrumptious Italian with the melted-chocolate eyes is nothing if not persistent. And sexy. So sexy. Just her luck to find the only man in the world who wants marriage and a family. Things Jordyn can't give. But can he convince her that he's everything she's ever wanted…forever?

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