The Artist’s Problem Solver The Magazine Artist

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The Magazine Artist - The Artist’s Problem Solver краткое содержание

This new ebook edition of the very successful hardback, published in association with The Artist magazine, provides practical solutions to many of the most common painting problems encountered by amateur artists.This book features the work of 10 well-known artists, looks at some of the most common problems that leisure painters face and shows how to tackle them in a practical and straightforward way.The range of subjects is diverse: from landscapes and seascapes to still life, interiors, people and animals. All the painting media – watercolour, pastels, oils and acrylics – are covered, ensuring that the book offers something for every artist.In addition, the book features a wide range of different styles of painting by top professional artists, who freely give their expert advice including:• Jackie Simmonds• John Lidzey• Peter Partington• Richard Pikesley• Gerald Green• Winston Oh• John Mitchell• Anuk Naumann• Tom Robb• Hilary Jackson

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