Above Ground Don Easton

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Don Easton - Above Ground краткое содержание

2008 City of Victoria Butler Book Prize – Longlisted Jack’s life and career are on the line in a gritty return to the dark Vancouver underworld of Loose Ends . RCMP detective Jack Taggart has avenged the murders of his niece and nephew, but the consequences linger. His deal with Damien, leader of the «Satans Wrath» motorcycle gang, has put him in a bind and jeopardized an informant in the gang. Meanwhile, other gang members led by a mysterious figure known only as «The Boss» have been working to eliminate Taggart by destroying the lives of anyone with connections to him. And if the bad guys aren’t enough of an obstacle, there are problems on the force itself. Assistant Commissioner Isaac is becoming more and more suspicious that Jack may have been responsible for the death of a corrupt Crown prosecutor. With Jack’s life and career on the line, Above Ground is a tough and gritty follow-up that will more than satisfy readers who were pulled into the dark Vancouver underworld by Loose Ends , the first Jack Taggart mystery.

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