Handy Pocket Guide to Tropical Flowers William Warren

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Серия: Handy Pocket Guides
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William Warren - Handy Pocket Guide to Tropical Flowers краткое содержание

Learn all about beautiful tropical flowers with this useful and portable reference book. This handy pocket guide introduces 55 plant species commonly found in the Tropics. Each exotic bloom is described in detail, its history of origination discussed and gardening tips are given. Illustrated with over 120 beautiful color photographs, this book contains a wealth of botanical details, as well as fascinating information on the cultural uses of flowers. A «must» for gardeners and non-gardeners alike Periplus Handy Pocket Guides are practical field guides, useful for identifying various natural objects ranging from plants and animals to gemstones and seashells. Each page of each title throughout the series is filled with clear, precise photographs and informative text. Scientific and local language names are given.

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