Navigating the Fourth Dimension Linda LLC Stein-Luthke

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Linda LLC Stein-Luthke - Navigating the Fourth Dimension краткое содержание

From the back cover of the book…<br><br>&quot;For thousands of years, human consciousness has been mired in the muck of fear, confusion, and suffering. However, the patterns of the past no longer apply. At last, Mother Earth and all who reside upon her have set out on an unprecedented trajectory toward awakening. Each one of us can now choose to live in a new paradigm &ndash; the fourth dimension.<br><br>We define the fourth dimension as a higher-vibrational state of being that is characterized by trust, empowerment, abundance, peace, balance, and harmony. It is based on the realization that we are beings of Light who carry formidable power as co-creators of our universe. Living in the fourth dimension requires a conscious shift from relying on the fear-based ego mind to trusting the heart-centered guidance of our Higher Selves.<br><br>The Ascended Masters discuss how to let go of our history, how to heal anger, fear and pain, and how to develop a personal knowing of our Light. You, too, can take the next step toward creating &#39;Heaven on Earth.&#39; This book tells you how.&quot;<br><br>In addition to a channeled discourse from the Ascended Masters St. Germain and El Morya Khan this book contains reprints of the first ten issues of the Ascended Masters Newsletter published by the authors.<br><br>CONTENTS<br><br>Foreword <br>About the Authors <br>The Past No Longer Applies <br>Fear is the Obstacle <br>You Are in the Center of Your Universe <br>Discussing the Mindset for Change <br>How You Co-Create Your Universe <br>The Earth is Awakening with You <br>Believe, Trust and Expect What is Possible <br>Understand That the Light Empowers You to Change Your Universe <br>Sit and Be Still as Frequently as Possible, and Surrender to Your Light <br>Allow the Light to Heal your Fear and Anger <br>Allow the Light to Guide You in Every Moment and in Everything You Do <br>Let Go of Judgment of Self and Others in All Things <br>Let Go of Trying to Change the World Around You <br>Open to a New Way of Being &ndash; and Thus Change the Universe in Which You Reside <br>The One-Percent Solution <br><br>APPENDIX<br>Ascended Masters Newsletters <br>Books by the Authors

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