Zones Damien Broderick

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Damien Broderick - Zones краткое содержание

Jenny Kane loves weird science–but it&apos;s gone way, WAY out of control. Her mother&apos;s moved out, her dad&apos;s still moping around, and she&apos;s not sure how to cope any longer. And she keeps getting these weird phone calls from a scientist named Rod who&apos;s…where?…when?–another time zone? Another time altogether? Another reality? But that&apos;d be crazy, wouldn&apos;t it? <P> She also has the strangest feeling that she&apos;s done all this before. Who&apos;s this odd boy she just crashed into–this Tristan? How does she even know his name–or the fact that he can perform parlor-type «magic» tricks? <P> Hilarious, exciting, touching, ZONES is a classic adventure of time travel: a great SF adventure that grabs you with its opening lines–and then never lets you go!

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