How to Draw Step-By-Step Kaylea J. Mangrum

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Kaylea J. Mangrum - How to Draw Step-By-Step краткое содержание

Looking for a way to make learning the alphabet fun? Step by step, learners can gain confidence and practice following multiple step directions while improving drawing skills and learning letters of the alphabet. For example, drawing the letter "A" and turning the letter into an airplane provides tools to solidify letter identification, letter formation, and beginning sounds combined with step-by-step drawing instructions. Instruction begins with one line or shape and continues adding one line and shape at a time. Each new addition is printed in a different color to help the student visually locate the new line. With such precise instruction, learners quickly learn how to self guide their way through the other lessons. Classroom teachers use this artist's work for centers, literacy workstations to build phonemic awareness, individually for differentiation, or for whole group instruction. Art teachers have also used this as a back up plan for substitutes.

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