Blood Orbits Ger Killeen

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Серия: Free Verse Editions
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Ger Killeen - Blood Orbits краткое содержание

BLOOD ORBITS is a series of poems and prose poems exploring various conceptualizations of history both as a generative principle of meaning and as particular contexts and events through which we shape our subjectivities. In language that is richly musical and startlingly surreal, these poems interrogate and confront narratives that encode oppression, violence, and dishonesty, both the “grand narratives” which structure our place in history as well as the stories that we as individuals tell ourselves to make sense of our lives in their dailiness. In writing that is at once philosophically sophisticated and restlessly energetic, the poetry of BLOOD ORBITS brings to life what Wallace Stevens called “the hum of thoughts evaded in the mind,” exploring ideas as ideas, but also evolving a poetic language that squarely confronts the consequences of those ideas in real human lives.

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