Digital Wedding Photography For Dummies Amber Murphy

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Amber Murphy - Digital Wedding Photography For Dummies краткое содержание

Expert advice on becoming a successful wedding photographer Wedding photography can be a great hobby or home-based business. But while it's an exciting and lucrative field, it also has its challenges. Now, you can turn to Digital Wedding Photography For Dummies for friendly, hands-on guidance on selecting the right equipment, building a client list, and developing the skills and techniques needed to create stunning and memorable images. Covers tools and techniques practiced by some of the most successful photographers in the business Advice on camera settings, lighting, and angles How to create a professional experience that will put clients at ease Build a portfolio and connect with clients Start a wedding photography business Whether you're an aspiring wedding photographer who wants to learn about the techniques that make the best wedding photographers successful, or are in the business and want tips and advice to improve your skills, this practical guide has you covered.

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