Startup CEO. A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business, + Website Matt Blumberg

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Matt Blumberg - Startup CEO. A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Business, + Website краткое содержание

A definitive book for any CEO—first time or otherwise—of a high-growth company While big company CEOs are usually groomed for the job for years, startup CEOs aren't—and they're often young and relatively inexperienced in business in general. Author Matt Blumberg, a technology and marketing entrepreneur, knows this all too well. Back in 1999, he started a company called Return Path, which later became the driving force behind the creation of his blog, OnlyOnce—because «you're only a first time CEO once.» Now, more than a decade later, he's written Startup CEO. As the fifth book in the StartUp Revolution series, this reliable resource is based on Blumberg's experience as a startup CEO and covers a number of issues he's faced over the dozen years he's been a CEO. Offers valuable insights into how the CEO sets the overall vision and strategy of the company and communicates it to all stakeholders Discusses how to build a company's human capital by recruiting, hiring, and retaining the very best talent Examines how a CEO must align available resources with the company's strategy in order to ensure success Addresses what it takes to master the «How» of being a CEO—from leading an executive team to managing in any type of market Engaging and informative, this book is essential reading for any, and every, CEO.

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