Ignorance, Confidence, and Filthy Rich Friends. The Business Adventures of Mark Twain, Chronic Speculator and Entrepreneur Peter Krass

Ignorance, Confidence, and Filthy Rich Friends. The Business Adventures of Mark Twain, Chronic Speculator and Entrepreneur скачать fb2

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Peter Krass - Ignorance, Confidence, and Filthy Rich Friends. The Business Adventures of Mark Twain, Chronic Speculator and Entrepreneur краткое содержание

While the entire world knows Mark Twain as the renowned author of many classic American novels, few people are aware that he was also a highly successful businessman. In fact, more than half of his life was consumed by moneymaking pursuits, which often resulted in writing projects being neglected–but at the same time, these adventures were the inspiration behind many of the characters found in his books. In Ignorance, Confidence, and Filthy Rich Friends, Peter Krass captures a little-known side of this American icon and details the roller coaster ride of his business ventures in a dramatic, entertaining, and informative narrative style. From Twain's time as the founder of his own publishing house–where he made a small fortune publishing General Ulysses S. Grant's memoirs–to his foray into venture capitalism and investment in numerous start-up firms, to his focus on his own inventions, this engaging book reveals the Mark Twain that few of us know: the no-nonsense, successful American businessman.

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