That Boss Of Mine Elizabeth Bevarly

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Elizabeth Bevarly - That Boss Of Mine краткое содержание

MEN of the YEAR MAN of the Month"A romantic? Hardly. I'm far too pragmatic to be romantic." – Wheeler Rush, driven-to-distraction CEO Audrey Finnegan was the most clumsy, unfortunate, beautiful and alluring woman Wheeler Rush had ever met. She was also his temporary secretary. His business was on its last legs and his eyes were on hers!True, she'd come into his life – and his office – like a whirling dervish, and made his hormones spin out of control. He knew he should send her packing, but her heart was in the right place and – oh, Lord – for once in his life, so was his… .Some men are made for lovin' – and you'll love our MAN OF THE MONTH!

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