Fascination Samantha Hunter

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Samantha Hunter - Fascination краткое содержание

OBSESSION…?Sage Matthews's fascination with hacking into computers and creating bugs got her into deep trouble. Just ask special agent Ian Chandler, who handcuffed the fiery redhead–and has been monitoring her every sexy teasing move since.POSSESSION…?Ian has now formed his own crack crime-busting team–The HotWires. His first case? None other than Sage, fresh off probation, but seemingly up to her old tricks. Ian's hot on her tail, but his plans backfire one sultry steamy night.REDEMPTION…?He tangles with Sage between the sheets–breaking every rule in his personal code of honor. And he's about to break a few more as his gut instinct tells him she's been framed again–and only he can prove her innocence….

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