You've Got Male Elizabeth Bevarly

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Elizabeth Bevarly - You've Got Male краткое содержание

Can you really find the perfect man online?Avery Nesbitt thought she might have struck online-dating gold–Adrian was perfect onscreen. But as the adage goes, if something seems too good to be true…. Before Avery knows it, a flesh-and-blood man calling himself Dixon breaks in to her home. Apparently she's been under surveillance by his agency for some time, and now she's in deep, deep trouble.Dixon has worked for OPUS for years, and he's wanted to get his hands on Adrian Padgett for most of them. He assumes that Avery is part of Adrian's criminal pursuits. But could she possibly be as innocent as she's claiming?One thing's for sure–if Avery agrees to go undercover for OPUS, she and Dixon will be working in very close quarters….

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