The Heiress and The Bodyguard Ryanne Corey

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Ryanne Corey - The Heiress and The Bodyguard краткое содержание

This job was cake…as in cheesecake. Palm Beach socialite Julie Roper was easy on the eyes– and my eyes were on her at her brother' s expense. Then Julie rode out of her hothouse life one midnight, and I had to introduce myself under false pretenses. She wanted to walk on the wild side… escorted by me, Billy Lucas. Who knew my poor little rich girl would blossom into a beguiling temptress, or that a footloose dude like me could harbor honorable intentions? But knowing I' d deceived her once, would Julie trust that what dazzled me wasn' t the silver spoons in her hope chest, but the light of love in her eyes?

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