Birds, Metals, Stones and Rain Russell Thornton

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Russell Thornton - Birds, Metals, Stones and Rain краткое содержание

Russell Thornton's latest collection of poems, Birds, Metals, Stones and Rain, explores powerful, primary human relationships through images of two worlds: the natural and the urban industrial.Simple grass is the iron of an invisible forging within nature that involves the human creative consciousness. A scavenger alley crow is the universal creative spirit in brutal primordial disguise. A murderously violent father and son are integrated into a single new man who walks «bright as a song in the air.» A young daughter flings up her arms to seagulls that «collect up the world, opening it like a door.» An infant son fights the “anger in him … the death … with the heaven in living flailing hands."Intensely personal, Birds, Metals, Stones and Rain reveals how essential human identity reinitiates human consciousness in a participatory universe.

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