Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms John F. Graf

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John F. Graf - Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms краткое содержание

Readers will appreciate the value of <i>Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms</i> because it combines historical, identification, and pricing information in one handy volume.<p> A great deal of advancement in metallurgy and weapons design occurred during the Civil War as people on both sides of the conflict struggled to find better ways to bring a swift end to the war. These new designs are the basis of our modern weapons and spark the interest of historians and collectors. Unlike other Civil War collecting guides that deal with firearms only incidentally (if at all), <i>Standard Catalog of Civil War Firearms</i> focuses on firearms only. The reader is told how to identify a particular model and what its approximate current value is. In addition, each firearm is given a &apos;1 to 5 rarity index&apos; rating that will guide the reader&apos;s buying decision when he or she is contemplating a purchase.<p> No other firearms price guide offer this unique blend of features.

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