Protect Your Elderly Parents Lynne Butler

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Серия: Eldercare Series
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Lynne Butler - Protect Your Elderly Parents краткое содержание

Don't let a stranger make important decisions for your family! Decide how much help is needed Follow step-by-step checklists Give your parent the care he or she deserves Legal in all provinces except Quebec Don't let a stranger make important decisions for your family! As we age, questions about our parents' physical or mental health and well-being or financial capabilities may arise, and often it's difficult to figure out how to start helping them, or we simply can't afford to. More and more of us are faced with caring for elderly parents. Becoming your parent's guardian and/or trustee enables you to make decisions for them when they can no longer make decisions for themselves. Protect Your Elderly Parents: Become Your Parents' Guardian or Trustee helps you to answer these questions and provides the necessary forms and resources you need to take over as guardian and/or trustee, so that you can ensure your parents have the best care available in their later years – care from a loved one, not a stranger. Plus, all the legal forms you'll need are included, so you'll save money on lawyer's fees! The download kit contains standard forms for all jurisdictions as well as those specific to your province or territory such as: Step-by-step checklists for you to follow Initial, Opening and Closing Inventory forms Income and Expenses forms Guardianship and Trusteeship forms for the courts

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