Comfort And Joy Fern Michaels

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Fern Michaels - Comfort And Joy краткое содержание

New York Times Bestseller Curl up by the Yuletide with these heartwarming stories that add a touch of wonder to your holidays. . . "Comfort and Joy" by Fern Michaels Ever since Angie Bradford took over her mother's gift wrap business in the Eagle Department Store, she and handsome store chief Josh Eagle have been at odds. When Josh threatens to give up on the business and move to London, and a devastating storm may destroy their Christmas season, Angie never expects help to come in the form of a holiday miracle. . . "A High-Kicking Christmas" by Marie Bostwick After ten years as a Rockette at Radio City Music Hall, Kendra Erickson needs a break from Christmas. But when an injury lands her in small-town Vermont where she finds herself directing the local holiday pageant alongside the charming new pastor, Kendra reconsiders her views on life, love–and the most romantic season of all. . . "Suzanna's Stockings" by Cathy Lamb When an accident lands Suzanna Everts in the hospital for Christmas this year, she'll need a little magic to save the holiday season. Enter sexy, but Scrooge-like, land developer Jack Benson to the rescue, proving to Suzanna that the best gifts are those that take you completely by surprise. . . "Family Blessings" by Deborah J. Wolf Tired of dealing with her squabbling family, Kacey would rather not be home for the holidays. But Christmas memories hold a special power that is enough to remind a family of the blessings they share–and awaken Kacey to the promise of new love. . .

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