Ethical Intelligence Bruce Weinstein

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Bruce Weinstein - Ethical Intelligence краткое содержание

Ethical intelligence may not get as much attention as other forms of “smarts,” but as Bruce Weinstein shows, it is the most practical, valuable, and even courageous form, determining success on the job, ful?llment in relationships, and sense of self-worth. After reviewing the ?ve basic ethical principles agreed upon by cultures and religious traditions around the world and throughout time, Weinstein shows readers how to develop their ethics IQ by applying these principles in daily life. Real-world examples and interviews – with CEOs, athletes, celebrities, and political leaders – illustrate ethics in action, and their absence. Most strikingly, Weinstein shows that ethical principles aren’t just good; they are good for us, bene?ting our health, happiness, and prosperity. While ethical ignorance grabs headlines, it is ethical intelligence that creates the most ful?lling life.

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