Mobile Platforms and Development Environments Sumi Helal

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Mobile platform development has lately become a technological war zone with extremely dynamic and fluid movement, especially in the smart phone and tablet market space. This Synthesis lecture is a guide to the latest developments of the key mobile platforms that are shaping the mobile platform industry. The book covers the three currently dominant native platforms – iOS, Android and Windows Phone – along with the device-agnostic HTML5 mobile web platform. The lecture also covers location-based services (LBS) which can be considered as a platform in its own right. The lecture utilizes a sample application (TwitterSearch) that the authors show programmed on each of the platforms. Audiences who may benefit from this lecture include: (1) undergraduate and graduate students taking mobile computing classes or self-learning the mobile platform programmability road map; (2) academic and industrial researchers working on mobile computing R&D projects; (3) mobile app developers for a specific platform who may be curious about other platforms; (4) system integrator consultants and firms concerned with mobilizing businesses and enterprise apps; and (5) industries including health care, logistics, mobile workforce management, mobile commerce and payment systems and mobile search and advertisement. Table of Contents: From the Newton to the iPhone / iOS / Android / Windows Phone / Mobile Web / Platform-in-Platform: Location-Based Services (LBS) / The Future of Mobile Platforms / TwitterSearch Sample Application

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