The Secret Life of Word Robert Delwood

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Robert Delwood - The Secret Life of Word краткое содержание

The Secret Life of Word looks at Microsoft Word from the perspective of technical and other professional writers. It gives writers an in-depth look at the hidden capabilities of Word, and shows how to take advantage of those capabilities without being a programmer. The Secret Life of Word will help you master the full gamut of Word mysteries, including AutoCorrect, QuickParts, BuildingBlocks, macros, Smart Tags, program-less VBA programming, and much more. There's something here for everyone who uses Microsoft Word, from new users to experts. Inside the Book PrefaceIntroduction to Word AutomationCreating MacrosFind and ReplaceFields, Form Fields, and Content ControlsAutoCorrect and AutoText/Building BlocksSmart TagsExchanging DataCode SamplesAutomation Related TopicsGlossary, Bibliography, and Index

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