Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse Группа авторов

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Strengthening families of different varieties and ending abuse in the myriad of forms through which it surfaces is God's way of bringing peace and safety to Christian homes across the world. We challenge congregations, their leaders, and the men, women, and youth who faithfully support them to consider their personal role in bringing this vision–inspired by the Scriptures–into reality. Together our voices can be strong. We are united in our belief that every home should be a safe home, every home a shelter from the storms of life, every home a place where we are supported, treated with respect and dignity, and every home a place where men and women are encouraged to be all they can be. It is a tall order. It is a dream to guide our personal conduct and to measure our congregational and community life. We are far from reaching this goal–but toward it we strive.

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