3 Weeks to Startup Tim Berry Berry

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Three weeks? Can you really start a business in three weeks? Yes, you can. Tim Berry, business planning expert and principal author of Business Plan Pro, the country’s bestselling business plan software, and Sabrina Parsons, co-founder of Palo Alto Software UK, unveil a new, more innovative business landscape and show you how to streamline your startup using the fastest resource in the world—the internet. Eliminate the exhausting, time-consuming legwork involved in traditional startup plans, and instead fast track your business using a wealth of online tools and services. Berry and Parsons help you build your business step by step, including establishing your business plan, making your business legal, financing your venture, hiring your staff and more—using online tools and resources at every stage. Discover how easy it is to reach your dream of opening your own business faster than you ever thought possible. Let the countdown begin—you’re just 3 weeks away from opening the doors to your new business!

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