Trances of the Blast Mary Ruefle

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• Ruefle’s most recent book, Madness, Rack, and Honey: Collected Lectures was a finalist for the 2012 National Book Critics Circle Award in criticism. The book also received a full-page write-up in the January 16, 2013 New York Times Book Review. • Ruefle's most recent collection of lectures, Madness, Rack, and Honey, as well as her Selected Poems generated high sales, and both are continually among Wave's topselling titles. We expect this newest collection to sell similarly to her Selected Poems hardcover. • Trances of the Blast promises to be an exciting book for fans of Mary Ruefle's poetry and prose, but also will appeal to readers interested in influential contemporary poets such as Dean Young and Tony Hoagland, with whom she has been compared. • Ruefle's poetry recently appeared in The New Yorker, Harper's, and Poetry magazine (which recently awarded Ruefle with the Editors Prize for Feature Article in 2012). • Ruefle is the recipient of numerous high profile awards, including the William Carlos Williams award for her Selected Poems in 2011, and fellowships, including a Guggenheim fellowship and a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship.

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